Directory of Dyslexia Service Providers

IDA maintains information on professionals offering services such as:

Assessment/Evaluation, Academic Language, Educational or Speech-Language Therapy, Tutoring,  Advocacy/Legal Advice.

These professionals are points of contact and referral sources for these & other services.

While the IDA does not recommend or endorse any individual, business, school, or program, this directory is available to help inform parents, advocates, and other stakeholders seeking professional services.

Start Your Search


Do you provide services to the dyslexia community? 

If you are CERI certified and would like to

  • submit a profile for the directory – click here.
  • update your profile in the directory – click here.

IDA’s goal is to review submissions/updates within a few days. Please wait for IDA to reply that your submission/update was reviewed before sending subsequent submissions/updates.